1. A reliable partner

    Liane Langner, owner-manager of Trans Tax Consult Berlin Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH Liane Langner, owner-manager
  2. Since 1990 we at Trans Tax Consult Berlin advise our clients on fiscal, economic and business management matters.

    Lead by the owner-manager tax consultant Liane Langner we rely on a strong team of dedicated experts. We get support from our founders: Auditor and tax consultant Rolf P. Lehnert and tax consultant Dr. Christine Reimann.

    We provide and process tax returns and financial statements for private citizens and freelancers as well as companies. We consult in company foundings and the selling of businesses. Also we support our clients in enforcing their fiscal rights.

    Trans Tax Consult Berlin handles your company's payroll accounting. Furthermore, we support foundations, clubs and charities in their special fiscal matters.

  1. We are here for you attention-we moved!

    Trans Tax Consult Berlin
    Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
    Wandlitzstr. 10
    10318 Berlin-Karlshorst

    Phone: +49 (30) 200 747 0 - 0
    Fax: +49 (30) 200 747 0 - 99

    E-Mail: kontakt@transtax-berlin.de

    Opening Hours:
    Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

    Appointments upon consultation,
    even outside business hours

    You can reach us via public transport:

    S3 (S-Bahn Station Karlshorst)

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